absolute best overall weather app
weathertrack is simply the best! not your typical weather app interface, you have to learn to use this guy properly- but once you do, the benefits are huge. i live on a very remote island in the bahamas- its very difficult to get accurate weather data for this location, even though several apps claim to provide it. but weathertrack always delivers the goods- lets face it, when youre talking about weather, no forecast can be correct in every detail: but this app has a great track record in terms of letting us know, within reason, what to expect weather-wise. for example, if weathertrack indicates that were going to have high winds from the south tomorrow, weve come to know that the app can be trusted- and accordingly (since our shore faces south), we pull our boat out of the water and thereby avoid trouble and anxiety. and its important to note that on important stuff like that, the apps always been right: it have may have indicated 30 mph winds and the actuality may be 25 mph- but so what? weathertrack let me know what was going to happen and allowed me to prepare accordingly! and, btw, the app also provides a page with links to all the major weather sites. what more could you ask? wonderful, wonderful app!
exumaslim about
WeatherTrack GRIB