Most people just want to know is it gonna rain, or how hot is it going to be ...just the extremes. If thats you and you want simplistic you dont want this. This takes longer to load have to wait a few seconds for the file to download. But if you want to know what TIME its going to rain tomorrow or the next day EXACTLY WHEN its gonna get hot... WHAT TIME youre going to need your sweater.... and what TIME you can take it off and leave it off... This program will tell you. Exactly WHEN and for how long are the waves going to be at peak height? WHEN IS A CLOUD COVER GOING TO MOVE IN WHEN IS IT GOING TO BURN OFF? Im in California and all these events happen two ....sometimes three times a day. Information is power. A few minutes a day with this program and youll make Fritz look like Jackie Johnson... meteorologically speaking. Be the Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs court. Awe the natives. Stand up and be a woman of your time. friends who are pilots and submarine commanders just about steal my phone when I show them this app. This is for real... The ultimate in technology. Seriously now I know why Fritz does standup comedy as a backup. He might need it if the natives ever catch on
PadsterBrutus about WeatherTrack GRIB